Scott Sigler

Scott Sigler�s works combine many genres, including science fiction, horror and thriller. His second major published novel, Contagious, made the New York Times best seller list. Its precursor, Infected, has been optioned as a motion picture production by Rogue Pictures.

Scott was also responsible for releasing the world�s first podcast-only novel, Earthcore. All of his stories are freely available to listen to as audiobooks in serialised form.

Scott�s next major novel, Ancestor, should be available in time for Swancon 2010.

Scott's website can be found here

Ian Irvine

Ian Irvine is a marine scientist who has developed some of Australia�s national guidelines for the protection of the oceanic environment. He is best known for his fantasy series The Three Worlds Cycle, now comprising eleven novels.

Ian�s other published works include the Human Rites trilogy (a series of eco-thrillers), the Runcible Jones quintet (a fantasy series for young adults) and The Sorceror�s Tower (a fantasy series for primary school readers).

Ian's website can be found here

John Samuel

John Samuel has been an ardent supporter of Swancon for well over two decades.

John has helped out on several committees, been an active participant both on panels and in the audience, run numerous sessions for beginning players in the Gaming Rooms, helped in numerous auctions (both physically and financially) and has also been awarded a "Mum Fan" for his dedication towards all things Swancon.

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